How it works?


You can easily search for hundreds of listings around your school, transit station and city.


Review the listings and profiles of the hosts or guests and match based on your housing needs.


Once the booking is approved, you can simply move in to your new home.

Looking for a place to live or stay during your studies at York University?

4stay and York University have partnered up to help connect students with available housing – simpler and faster.

Discover seamless student housing solutions through the collaborative efforts of York University and 4stay.

Browse and secure your housing today.

On 4stay’s platform you can find:

  • Fully furnished, utilities-inclusive private and shared rooms, enabling students to move in with just their luggage. 
  • Student residences where you will live amongst other students allowing you to make new lifelong friends
  • Similar to Airbnb, online booking makes securing accommodation effortless. 
  • Simplify your student experience with York University and 4stay.

Off-campus housing near other schools